Friday, May 25, 2012

Screenplay Writing With Partners.

Hey guys, this is R.A. Johnson, I am one of the partners of Guerrilla Coast Pictures. I am a team member first and foremost as well as an actor, writer and director for our company. We are starting this site as a Production Blog, and at least for me, a Motivational Journal.

Today, I blended together the first 7 pages of our screenplay. Initially, Gerald and I wrote separate versions of the opening of our film, "SAUCED," and after discussing the highlights of both versions with Gerald, Eric and myself, we came to an agreement on what the final draft should be. So I pieced it together like a Script Frankenstein! Hopefully it will come to life! Muahahahaha! (Did I just type out that evil laugh?)

I am writing the screenplay using a FREE SOFTWARE called Celtx. It is a great free software with a lot of cool attributes. There is no excuse of not writing an idea out because you can't afford Final Draft etc! You can do it!! There are a lot of free options out there to get started.

MOTIVATION POINT#1 : Think about this while writing for your characters. The motivation for Tim Roth's character in "Four Rooms" to actually enter, stay and/or come back to these crazy rooms was: 1. Money. 2. Sex. 3. A large gun pointed right at me. and 4. Money again. These are factors that would keep us the audience going back into these rooms as well. They are realistic drives but at the same time exaggerated and pushed to the limits so that we can suspend belief into this Diagetic World and escape reality for a moment and think: Damn, I can't believe he just did that!? Or, wow, I could never do that!

What are your thoughts on character development? Anybody else use Celtx? Comment below and gives us tips, tricks or opinions on whatever! And as always, KEEP WRITING!

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