Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hello I'm the G-man!

Hey Everyone I'm the G-man. My real name is Gerald and if you want to know what I look look blow up Mr. Johnson's photo of four rooms and you will notice there is a black guy in the photo!!. That would be me.  :D (iphone cameras...)

I will be Directing one of the short films in "Sauced" and I will be co directing the beginning, interludes and end along with R.A. Johnson.  I'm so excited for this project because it is a great opportunity to pool all of our collective talents for something bigger.

As you already know we are going to do something awesome, so let me break it down for you. We are going to shoot a feature length film have four separate directors and a slew of cast members all on a shoe string budget. It's times like these I look up to Robert Rodriguez and "El Mariachi" for inspiration because he really did do so much with so little. I take it as a challenge as well, and it keeps me motivated to work with outstanding people, such as the awesome team we've developed here.

I've directed 2 short films which you can check out on our youtube channel (soon!). And I've shot plenty of other types of videos, learning a monumental amount of skills and information on each. The first thing I shot (not the films I mentioned) we spent 11 hours on a 30 second scene. On the last film I directed,  we shot a 10min plus film in less than 12 hours. The latter was for a 48 hour film contest. So if there is one thing I learned about its efficiency!

Now I'm no master of film, nor am I qualified to give lessons of any sort. However I feel I should share my past experiences and do my part to keep all those who take the time to visit our production blog up to date. Why?? So that I can better myself as a Director, Screenwriter, Producer, Camera Operator, Editor, (the list goes on...) and a student of Cinema.  And help those who take the time to talk to us and comment toward that same goal.  Of course I will be talking about all of the above and more on this great journey so stay tuned.

Thank you for reading! And check back with us soon!!

- Director G-man

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