Monday, June 11, 2012

Behind The Scenes: Indie Film "SAUCED" teaser trailer

Hello earthling and creatures. If you have followed the Twitter for the film (@Sauced_theMovie) , then you may know my name is Henry Liu (@HensLiu) or Hens, whichever you prefer. I will be the official photographer for behind the scenes of the new film, check my Facebook page H-Lius-Behind-The-Crew. To be short and simple of who I am, I am a activist fighting against the issues of bullying & suicides where I co-founded The Hear My Voice Movement(, self-taught photographer, Web Editor for Norwalk Community College's student newspaper The Voice, lead trend reporter for, and oh I also happen to be Asian (and short, but then again everyone's taller than me........). 
Anywho, I took this opportunity of helping some good people out on their project. Below you will see some pre-filming photos of Robert being goofy like he always have been, some with Eric filming him doing hilarious hops (where at one point actually fell).
So far the day have overall been great. The day consisted of Eric's Canon T2i with lots of cool attachments, my Canon XS, pizzas, tomatoe sauce, and a torn apart pizza box after a million shots (sad face).
Check out the photos, I took too many so I left the dirty work to Rob to use his best judgements of which to use. If the photo of him on the ground after falling isn't in this, you, the audience must notify me right away. >:)
Peace out homies!
These is a slip and fall down sequence we are shooting with our Canon T2i and a cheap friction slider purchased off of Amazon and a light bounce board.
This is Rob's portrayal of our lead character, bad luck Pete, the VIP Pizza Delivery boy.
This is our DIY attempt at a "Jaws Shot". We had no dolly, so Rob just sprinted at the camera, while DOP Eric zoomed and pulled focus with help from Jose.
IndieFilm Low budget. Rob doing his own stunts and not doing them well. Completely threw his feet out from beneath him. Look closely at the pizza box still falling to the earth.
"Jaws Shot" again here. Jeff on bounce board, Jose pulling focus, Eric DOP and Rob acting a-fool.